DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE on Netflix is a new horror movie from Indonesia. It’s one of the better thanks to great practical effects, an eerie psychological vibe, and solid acting. Read our Do You See What I See horror movie review here!

DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE on Netflix is a new horror movie from Indonesia. We’ve reviewed quite a lot of Indonesian horror over the years and usually, we’re quite underwhelmed – unless Joko Anwar is involved.

Fortunately, there are exceptions and this one is surprisingly good. Well, it was a surprise to me anyway. It kept me guessing and the character-driven plot and practical effects just worked. It is too long though at 1 hour and 48 minutes.

Continue reading our Do You See What I See movie review below. Find it on Netflix from September 27, 2024.

Looking for love in all the wrong places

In Do You See What I See, we meet Mawar on her birthday. She’s a young girl at college, with wonderful friends, but she often feels lonely. Especially after losing both parents. Her birthday wish is to find a boyfriend who will love her.

Well, her wish is heard, but the “boyfriend” she gets isn’t what most people would have in mind. Very quickly, Mawar’s friends see a change in her. She stays by herself and speaks of her wonderful boyfriend whom no one has seen yet.

His name is Restu, and while her best friend Vey is happy for Mawar, she is also (understandably) concerned. Mawar seems obsessed with Restu.

Or maybe possessed is the right word?

Do You See What I See (2024) – Review | Netflix | Horror Movie

Wonderfully stylistic

I absolutely adored the mid-1990s setting of Do You See What I See. Each girl in the group of college friends (and roommates) has their own distinct style. Not in a fun or jokey manner, but in a distinct 1990s style.

Also, Tupac becomes part of the story as his death happens during the story, and one of the girls is a huge fan of him. It’s a small detail, but one that helps the story work in this period setting.

The friends – and the “den mother” of the dorm – have realistic and organic interactions. This alongside practical effects and delicious use of light and shadow just works.

As does the iconic white sheets hanging out to dry. You just know something creepy will happen. And you won’t be disappointed.

Watch Do You See What I See on Netflix now!

Do You See What I See is directed by Awi Suryadi, and the screenplay comes from Lele Laila (Qorin). It’s based on the “Do You See What I See” horror podcast by Mizter Popo, which is the most popular. Specifically, episode #64 “First Love”.

The movie stars Shenina Cinnamon, Diandra Agatha, Yesaya Abraham, Sonia Alyssa, Sarah Felicia, Jessica Shaina, and Bunbun Melly. Whether you know any of them or not, you’ll see that they are very good in this horror movie.

If you’re interested in horror movies with psychological horror and practical effects, then you should check this out on Netflix. It should’ve been 15-20 minutes shorter to get a higher rating, but it’s still recommendable.

Do You See What I See is on Netflix from September 27, 2024.


Director: Awi Suryadi
Script: Lele Laila
Stars: Shenina Cinnamon, Diandra Agatha, Yesaya Abraham, Sonia Alyssa, Sarah Felicia, Jessica Shaina, Bunbun Melly


After Mawar falls for her very first boyfriend, her friends’ joy turns into suspicion as they realize he may not be who he seems.

I write reviews and recaps on Heaven of Horror. And yes, it does happen that I find myself screaming, when watching a good horror movie. I love psychological horror, survival horror and kick-ass women. Also, I have a huge soft spot for a good horror-comedy. Oh yeah, and I absolutely HATE when animals are harmed in movies, so I will immediately think less of any movie, where animals are harmed for entertainment (even if the animals are just really good actors). Fortunately, horror doesn't use this nearly as much as comedy. And people assume horror lovers are the messed up ones. Go figure!
Karina "ScreamQueen" Adelgaard
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