Does THE PLATFORM 2 ending lean into a THE PLATFORM 3? Which of the cast members are in both movies? Who is in charge? Do we get answers or new questions with the end of The Platform 2? We’ll try to answer all these questions and many others right here!

How about that The Platform 2 ending?! Are you confused and left with even more questions than after the first movie? Well, join the club.

The Platform 2 horror movie on Netflix is a puzzle that keeps on puzzling. If you want answers – or just more details about the crazy world of The Platform 2 – then check out our FAQ below.

Please note, that the section below is full of spoilers for The Platform and The Platform 2. If you’re just looking for a review, then click here to read our The Platform 2 movie review >

Okay, let’s get to that The Platform 2 ending and details about the sick and twisted universe of the Spanish sci-fi horror movie.

FYI: We recognize that some of the questions are repetitive, but that’s in order to answer everything we’ve been asked.

Click here to see the latest questions from our readers and our answers to them.

First things first, is The Platform 2 a prequel or a sequel?

The Platform 2 is a prequel to the story we see in the first movie. We know this fairly early on as characters from the first movie start showing up.

Characters who died in the first movie and therefore cannot be alive unless the story told in The Platform 2 came first. We’ll get back to which characters are in both movies later.

What is the relationship between the lead characters of The Platform and The Platform 2?

The two lead characters – Goreng from The Platform and Perempuan of The Platform 2 – clearly know one another, but we’re not given too much context of their lives.

At The Platform 2 ending, the lead character of this second installment meets the lead character from the first movie. She’s been at the bottom (in the pit) for quite some time as revealed by her hair, which is now much longer.

However one prevalent theory is that the people in the pit are dead (more on that later), so it doesn’t make much sense. Except that people used to believe one’s hair and nails kept growing even after death.

This is a myth – the rest of our body shrinks, which makes nails and hair appear to grow, but it’s essentially an optical illusion.

How do Goreng and Perempuan know each other?

Goreng (the lead character of The Platform) sees Perempuan (lead of The Platform 2) after having sent the girl back up to the top via the platform.

She walks towards him to greet him. We don’t get any definitive answers, but it is quite possible that Goreng was the ex-boyfriend mentioned by Perempuan during her initial interview. The man whose son died in an accident that involved her art.

If you want to interpret the world of The Platform movies as being religious as the pit being Hell after having been in the purgatory of the platform levels, then they’re both dead and are meeting in the afterlife.

Not in The Good Place. Obvio, as Trimagasi would say!

How is Trimagasi in The Platform 2?

Trimagasi is in The Platform 2 because this second movie is a prequel. And he’s not the only character in both movies.

Still, the first character we see in The Platform 2, who was also in The Platform, is Trimagasi. The man who answers or comments “Obvio!” to virtually everything.

Just like in the first installment, Trimagasi (Zorion Eguileor) seems to be quite comfortable in this brutal world. In fact, after an extremely violent part of the uprising, he comments that it’s been the best time of his life.

The Platform 2 prequel - Trimagasi & Goreng

Who are in both The Platform and The Platform 2?

Aside from Trimagasi, we also see Imoguiri (Antonia San Juan) as the interviewer. Her hair is lighter and she does come across as younger and less worn down by the job, which again confirms that we are at an earlier time.

Finally, there’s the inmate with Down Syndrome (Gorka Zufiaurre), who we now see at an earlier stage of his sentence, and the key figure for the final act of the first movie, Baharat (Emilio Buale) who was the one that helped Goren (Ivan Massagué).


Our The Platform ending explained where we answer questions from that movie >

Baharat was the one who helped start the revolution of the first movie. He still has his rope and seems to still also have hope that things will work out if only we stick together.

What is the point of sending up a child on the platform?

There are several theories on this act. Mostly, it’s about the innocence of a child and how those, who help the child, tend to have committed brutal acts on their way down to the bottom.

The result for every single one of them has been a complete and unforgivable loss of their innocence.

So, in an act of contrition and even remorse, they accept their fate and save the child.

What’s with all the kids and the slide?

It seems that this place has an endless supply of children. All of them waiting to be chosen and placed on that bottom level 333, where someone is meant to save them and somehow achieve redemption for all of mankind.

A “Save the Cheerleader, Save the World” type ordeal, if you will.

(And yes, I do know my age is showing.)

Except, the person actually saving the child will not enjoy the fruits of their labor. In that sense, it’s about paying it forward. Helping future generations.

Are the people in The Pit of The Platform dead?

It would seem that anyone who ends up in The Pit, which is the level below number 333, is dead.

Not only are dead bodies thrown in this hole, but in the end, we see characters that we know to be dead from the stories in both The Platform and The Platform 2 are in this place.

Including Trimagasi and Zamiatin, who we saw die in the first and second installments respectively.

At the end of The Platform 2, we certainly see a big bald man of a very similar stature to Zamiatin in the pit. Also, it’s difficult to see how Perempuan could survive that bleeding gash in her head.

The role of political ideology in The Platform?

Well, based on these two first movies, it certainly seems that way.

Exactly like in the real world.

Look at the political landscape in any country. Sure, some dictators have such a strong vice grip on their citizens that they can hang onto power for generations.

However, in the so-called free world, citizens of any given country tend to change. When times are good, politicians in power get reelected.

When things haven’t been going so well, someone from the opposition is quick to promise change (or blame someone for everything wrong) to get elected.

Then a few years later, things will change again.

In the first installment of The Platform, we saw everyone prepare one plate for the next person towards the end. A real “pay it forward and make it last” solution that only worked if everyone participated.

In The Platform 2, people can only eat the one food they asked for during the interview before entering this prison.

That’s your food, and you cannot touch or eat the food of anyone else. That would be stealing and this is not allowed by the law.

The Platform 2 Ending Explained – Dagin Babi

Is The Platform 2 ending about religion?

Well, ideology and religion can often intersect. In The Platform 2, it seems that their code of conduct is based more on religion than ideology.

There is a person who went through so much and paid for our sins, so now we have to follow his lead. That’s the basis of the law enforced in the prison.

And, yes, this person sounds a lot like Jesus.

Religion tends to be based on love, kindness, humanity, and forgiveness. Most religions are, at their core, about this.

It’s certainly everything Jesus preached. But not many tend to live by these virtues today. All while pointing their fingers at others and saying that they are the ones in the wrong.

Sure, some people have love as their guiding light (no matter their religion), but even they can be swayed when times are bad.

That’s when faith leaders show up and ask for money to help build up their little empire and make everything better.

What’s up with the anointed in The Platform 2?

In The Platform 2, it might sound like the virtues of Jesus are being practiced at first, but with a self-appointed (though referred to as “the anointed one”) in charge.

This anointed person, Dagin Babi, who lost his eyes during an attempt to dole out a particularly vicious punishment, is now practically a religious figure himself. Not unlike priests or even the Pope, if we follow the Catholic path.

His blindness has almost become a weapon as others protect him and do his dirty business. They obey his every word and never seem to question whether it follows “the law”.

It seems like whatever the Anointed One, Dagin Babi says is the law. Again, not unlike how someone of the Christian faith can live by wildly different sets of rules.

Some can have several wives, others only one. Alcohol can be forbidden or allowed. Even the role of women and children is up for debate within fractions of the same religion.

Catholics have the Pope as the representative of God on Earth while Protestants find the very notion to be blasphemy. Even heresy.

Is Dagin Babi, the Anointed One, evil?

Martin Luther claimed that the Papacy is the Antichrist. If we consider the anointed one to be a sort of self-appointed Pope-like character in this religion that has come to exist in The Platform, then it could make sense.

Following this notion, maybe that’s what Dagin Babi (Óscar Jaenada), the Anointed One, in The Platform 2 represents; The Fall from being of God and Good to becoming the opposite of this: The Antichrist who brings only evil to this world.

Having said that, one could easily argue that you have two options in the world of The Platform; Become a killer or be killed!

How is the number 666 in The Platform?

At any given time, there are 666 prisoners in the prison shown in The Platform movies. It’s simple math; When there are two prisoners on each of the 333 levels, we get to this diabolic amount of inmates.

However, from the first installment of The Platform, we also know that there are even more individuals at the bottom known as “The Hole”.

The original title of El Hoyo is actually Spanish for “The Hole”, so the English title of The Platform focuses on another element of the story than originally.

How can the deadly cycle of The Platform end?

It seems like the supernatural place, we see in The Platform movies, is one big experiment. There are so many children just waiting to be picked as the next child to be placed on level 333 and be “saved” by whoever manages to come up with this plan.

And the end result, of whatever ideology or religion prevalent in the prison at any given time, is always the same; Rules are enforced to ensure that everyone will eat, while those who oppose this plan are killed.

The humanists then ultimately become killers and save the child as a means of redemption.

We’re back to the theories covered in our rundown of the first The Platform, which could hint at several answers. Everything from this place is an alien experiment to understand human nature or even that it’s some sort of The Matrix situation.

Either way, someone is watching and probably wondering why we humans do the same thing over and over again.

Before you think it is unrealistic or strange, I urge you to read up on the history of the world.

Is The Platform simply about human nature?

We humans tend to allow history to repeat itself over and over again. Often discovering that we are (yet again!) going down the same wrong path.

Usually, it starts out as something good. Wanting to help those closest to oneself (or simply oneself) and then it evolves into something where everyone who isn’t you (or like you) is deemed the enemy and things go haywire.

Then we do well for a while, the world is booming and everyone (okay, most) is happy before something bad happens and the cycle starts all over again.

It would seem that whoever is observing the people of El Hoyo is running the experiment over and over again. Maybe expecting different results, but getting more of the same.

Is The Platform 3 coming?

I really hope we’ll be getting The Platform 3 and I don’t even care if it’s another prequel or a sequel. Of course, one could argue that The Platform 2 ending hints at an actual chronological sequel.

I mean, the lead characters from each of the first two movies meet, so continuing with them in a third installment would make sense. Then again, so would any movie that can help answer questions about the origin and intention of “El hoyo”.

The Platform 2 Ending Explained

THE PLATFORM 2 Questions from our readers

Kelly wrote us with the following question:

Why does the big bald man refuse to fight?

From his interview before waking up in the prison, we know that Zamiatin (Hovik Keuchkerian) might look dangerous, but he really isn’t. If anything, he avoids conflict because he is afraid of getting hurt.

We see it when someone grabs at him. He is so surprised and can’t even think to defend himself. As soon as he is let go, he retrieves back into safety and avoids all confrontation.

It could be due to an abusive childhood as he is certainly capable of defending himself now. However, he doesn’t see himself that way. Even the stories he presents to his cellmate, Perempuan (Milena Smit) turn out to be false. Except for his love of pizza!

He wants to appear dangerous to avoid conflict and confrontation. This is probably why his family placed him there; To force him into action. Unfortunately, it does not work and he ends up taking his own life to avoid being hurt any further.

Do you have questions about The Platform 2 ending?

Or just things you’re wondering about?! Feel free to reach out and we’ll update this page with your questions or input and our two cents as well.

I usually keep up-to-date with all the horror news, and make sure Heaven of Horror share the best and latest trailers for upcoming horror movies. I love all kinds of horror. My love affair started when I watched 'Poltergeist' alone around the age of 10. I slept like a baby that night and I haven't stopped watching horror movies since. The crazy slasher stuff isn't really for me, but hey, to each their own. I guess I just like to be scared and get jump scares, more than being disgusted and laughing at the grotesque. Also, Korean and Spanish horror movies made within the past 10-15 years are among my absolute favorites.
Nadja "HorrorDiva" Houmoller
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