AMERICAN MURDER: LACI PETERSON on Netflix is a new docuseries about the case that clearly inspired part of Gone Girl. Over three episodes, this case is unraveled and resolved. Read our full American Murder: Laci Peterson documentary review here!

AMERICAN MURDER: LACI PETERSON is a new Netflix docuseries about the murder of Laci Peterson and her unborn son Connor. When you watch the three episodes of this documentary series, I can’t imagine you’ll be able to avoid thinking about Gone Girl. Her husband Scott even looks like Ben Affleck.

It’s revealed at the very beginning that Scott is serving life in prison, so we never have to wonder about the end result. Besides, as with any true crime documentary, we already know this – or could easily look it up. The docuseries comes from Skye Borgman, who has already made many iconic Netflix documentaries.

Continue reading our American Murder: Laci Peterson documentary review below. Find all three episodes on Netflix from August 14, 2024.

A heartbreaking tragedy

With American Murder: Laci Peterson, we’re getting the definitive examination of the murder of Laci Peterson. That’s how it’s labeled anyway, and I can’t say it isn’t completely accurate.

Laci Peterson was a bubbly and beloved young woman who we get to know through footage and memories shared by loved ones. She was eight months pregnant with her first child when she disappeared on Christmas Eve of 2002.

In so many ways, this case is disturbing. Every time a new detail or fact about her husband Scott Peterson was revealed, it made my stomach turn. He doesn’t come across as evil or dark, but his actions certainly do. Not unlike Ted Bundy.

In fact, I almost feel like people describing a male suspect as “a charming man” makes me immediately suspicious. Especially when it’s neighbors and his blood relatives; People who know only what he wants them to see or feel like they know him completely. The latter can usually also forgive or ignore way too much.

So many key interviews

For this documentary, we also hear from Amber Frey. She was the woman Scott was living a double life with at the time of Laci’s disappearance. In fact, despite Amber Frey being dragged through the proverbial mud, she was the one who reached out to and helped law enforcement. Leading to major breakthroughs in the case.

Also for the first time since Laci’s heartbreaking death, her mother, Sharon Rocha, speaks about her daughter and the case. Plus a trio of Laci’s childhood friends share their memories of Laci. The focus of Laci’s “people” is to help avoid a similar situation for other women.

This year marks 20 years since Scott’s conviction and he maintains his innocence. Having watched the three episodes in this docuseries, I must admit I find it very hard to believe him.

American Murder: Laci Peterson – Review | Netflix Docuseries

A story similar to Gone Girl without the twist

When watching this story, I was fascinated with how much Scott Peterson reminded me of Ben Affleck’s character, Nick Dunne, in Gone Girl (2014). Very recently, we also reviewed the docuseries American Nightmare where a woman was accused of “pulling a Gone Girl” despite this not being the case.

In American Murder: Laci Peterson, the husband acts very much like Nick Dunne, but Laci Peterson is no Amy Dunne. She looks nothing like Rosamund Pike nor are their personas similar. She doesn’t show up and all is well with her. Only the part about the husband feels familiar, which isn’t surprising.

Despite the novel coming out nearly a decade after this case (and the movie came out in 2014), it very clearly inspired Gone Girl. I even feel like Ben Affleck must have been asked to look at footage of Scott Peterson, but maybe I’m projecting?! The two do look very much alike.

Watch American Murder: Laci Peterson on Netflix

This new Netflix true crime docuseries comes from director Skye Borgman. She’s behind some of the most talked-about and memorable documentaries on Netflix. From Abducted in Plain Sight to  The Girl in the Picture as well as Sins of Our Mother.

Also, Skye Borgman made Dead Asleep on Hulu and The Truth About Jim on Max. Basically, if a story has twists and turns where real life surpasses anything you’d believe from fiction, Skye Borgman tends to cover it.

This is the second Netflix documentary with a title that begins with “American Murder”. The first was titled American Murder: The Family Next Door and featured only archive footage from the police or media. This one is very different as it’s a three-part docuseries instead of a movie.

Also, it features archive footage from the media and police alongside brand-new interviews with detectives, reporters, and relatives of both Laci and Scott. For a true crime docuseries, I felt this tried to be nuanced while also focusing very much on the victim and the facts of the case.

American Murder: Laci Peterson is on Netflix from August 14, 2024.


The disturbing disappearance & murder of Laci Peterson in 2002 shocked the nation. Her husband, Scott Peterson, was convicted, yet still claims he’s innocent. 20 years later, we revisit this notorious case with Laci’s mother and friends speaking for the first time.

I write reviews and recaps on Heaven of Horror. And yes, it does happen that I find myself screaming, when watching a good horror movie. I love psychological horror, survival horror and kick-ass women. Also, I have a huge soft spot for a good horror-comedy. Oh yeah, and I absolutely HATE when animals are harmed in movies, so I will immediately think less of any movie, where animals are harmed for entertainment (even if the animals are just really good actors). Fortunately, horror doesn't use this nearly as much as comedy. And people assume horror lovers are the messed up ones. Go figure!
Karina "ScreamQueen" Adelgaard
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