IN A VIOLENT NATURE is a new horror movie that serves as a solid homage to ’80s slashers. Yes, in all the best ways – including practical effects as brutal as they are kitsch. Read our full In a Violent Nature movie review here!

IN A VIOLENT NATURE is a new horror movie that feels old. In all the right ways, this is a tribute to the style and vibe of those iconic slashers of the ’80s. From the way the characters act to the deliciously visceral practical effects.

The runtime is just 1 hour and 34 minutes, but within that time we’ll be getting a backstory for the slasher himself as well as the most unique and creative slasher deaths. You definitely do not want to miss out on this one, if you’re a fan of the iconic 80s slasher movies.

Continue reading our In a Violent Nature movie review below. Find it in theaters from May 31, 2024. Also, it will be on Shudder later this year.

Classic yet innovative

Obviously, when you’re making a horror movie that is inspired by all the great 1980s slashers (even those of the 1970s), it can be easy to just regurgitate moments we’ve seen many times before. Well, with In a Violent Nature, we’re getting a very innovative take on the iconic slasher niche.

It all begins when a locket is removed from an old collapsed fire tower. This is located in the middle of the woods, but underneath it lies the rotting corpse of Johnny. And Johnny isn’t ready to leave this world quite yet. He is a vengeful spirit who is resurrected and wants revenge for a 60-year-old crime.

Of course, it’s not like Johnny will actually come across the people who were there 60 years ago. Also, it’s not like that matters to the undead killer. He just wants to bring pain to others and the group of teenagers vacationing in a nearby cabin will do just fine.

Oh yes, there will be blood as Johnny methodically slaughters them one by one. More than revenge – or just as much – he wants that damn locket and will do whatever it takes to get it back.

In a Violent Nature – Review | Homage to '80s slashers

There’s a new iconic killer

Johnny is immediately a new iconic slasher killer in my book. From his look with a mask to his choice of weapon. He is also more than willing to pick up a chainsaw which makes an obvious Texas Chainsaw Massacre tribute moment.

And, let me tell ya, in this horror movie, the practical effects are exactly as creative and messy as I could hope for. I suppose it also works extraordinarily well for me because I feel like those iconic 1980s slashers are defined largely by practical effects, so going the CGI route never works for me.

The practical effects in this movie are as brutal as they are kitsch.

Also, what I loved about In a Violent Nature was how we see a lot of this story unfold from the point of view of the killer. Or rather, we don’t see much through his eyes. Instead, we’re walking right behind him as he heads out to do what’s in his very violent nature.

The original title was actually “Sleeping Animal” which also perfectly sums up Johnny. He is an animal who can lie dormant, but once he is activated, he will stop at nothing. He is a predator and he is the apex predator of his territory in the woods.

Watch In a Violent Nature in theaters now – and on Shudder later!

Chris Nash is the writer and director of In a Violent Nature which is his feature film debut. With a debut like this, it seems like he is already a shoo-in to become a key horror filmmaker of the 2020s. Maybe we’ll be making a special mention of him on our 2020s list.

Check out our Best Horror of the 2010s list to see who we highlighted on that list >

Previously, Chris Nash directed the 2014 short “Z is for Zygote” which was selected for The ABCs of Death 2. Given that it was the “Z” segment, he got to round out that horror anthology.

When you watch In a Violent Nature – and you absolutely should – I can’t imagine that you’ll be able to leave with any other notion than “Damn, everyone behind this movie must love horror as much as I do”. To me, the love and passion for the genre shine through in every element of the making.

Even having the movie in the 4:3 aspect ratio just like the iconic slashers of decades past. It just makes sense and doesn’t feel “gimmicky” with this one. Instead, it’s all part of the retro feel and tribute!

IFC Films will release In a Violent Nature exclusively in theaters first, but it will be released on Shudder later this year as well. If you can, be sure to check this out in a theater near you. Watching this kind of movie with other genre fans is a true treat!

In a Violent Nature premieres In Theaters on May 31, 2024.


Writer / Director: Chris Nash
Cast: Ry Barrett, Andrea Pavlovic, Cameron Love, Reece Presley, Liam Leone, Charlotte Creaghan, Lea Rose Sebastianis, Sam Roulston, Alexander Oliver, Lauren Taylor


An ambient slasher that follows Johnny, a vengeful undead brute, as he methodically slaughters a group of campers in the wilderness after they remove a pendant from his resting grounds.

I write reviews and recaps on Heaven of Horror. And yes, it does happen that I find myself screaming, when watching a good horror movie. I love psychological horror, survival horror and kick-ass women. Also, I have a huge soft spot for a good horror-comedy. Oh yeah, and I absolutely HATE when animals are harmed in movies, so I will immediately think less of any movie, where animals are harmed for entertainment (even if the animals are just really good actors). Fortunately, horror doesn't use this nearly as much as comedy. And people assume horror lovers are the messed up ones. Go figure!
Karina "ScreamQueen" Adelgaard
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