THIS MAN is a Japanese horror movie adapted from an urban legend. It has a plot that works very well, but the execution is lacking. Screening at Fantasia 2024. Read our full This Man movie review here!

THIS MAN is a new Japanese horror movie screening at Fantasia 2024. It could be a new franchise based on the fascinating plot which itself is adapted from an urban legend.

Unfortunately, the execution just isn’t good enough. The style and pace of the storytelling leave you wanting more. It constantly gets sidetracked in unfortunate ways. And yet, I was intrigued by that urban legend at the core of the movie.

Continue reading our This Man movie review below.

Not a new The Ring. Unfortunately.

This Man is not a new The Ring, but it could be. However, it will need a makeover with a bigger budget. Or maybe just better special effects, including in the practical effects department.

I mean, the story itself is perfect for a new J-Horror franchise. And it could easily be adapted and remade in the US, which tends to be the way to a mega success.

This Man (2024) – Review | Japanese Horror

This Man is freely adapting a famous urban legend about people who see the same man in their dreams and die soon after. I mean, that is a brilliant hook. One that is reminiscent of both The Ring and Final Destination.

And with this movie, it grows very fast and deaths happen in the ten thousand as we hear reported in the news. It’s more of a pandemic than anything else. Something gets a hold of people’s minds and results in death.

One way or another.

This Man screening at Fantasia 2024

Director and screenwriter Tomojiro Amano (Trapped in Makyo) has crafted an ambitious movie with a great premise. Also, having it based on an urban legend that circulated in Tokyo in the 1990s, the core plot comes from a fascinating place.

Basically, this has a folk-inspired premise which did remind me of Ringu (The Ring), but in a new and different way. As someone who has long grown tired of every J-Horror movie using the girl with long black hair shown in black and white, I was pleased.

However, I can’t let go of the issues. Kill you darlings, Tomojiro Amano. Don’t let a sparring boxing scene run that long, for one. Overall, I just wish this could’ve been better executed. Maybe with a remake?!

This Man is reviewed as part of our Fantasia 2024 coverage.


Director: Tomojiro Amano
Writer: Tomojiro Amano
Cast: Arisa Deguchi, Minehiro Kinomoto


Freely adapting a famous urban legend, this could well be the new J-horror gem that rekindles the fervour of moviegoers worldwide.

I write reviews and recaps on Heaven of Horror. And yes, it does happen that I find myself screaming, when watching a good horror movie. I love psychological horror, survival horror and kick-ass women. Also, I have a huge soft spot for a good horror-comedy. Oh yeah, and I absolutely HATE when animals are harmed in movies, so I will immediately think less of any movie, where animals are harmed for entertainment (even if the animals are just really good actors). Fortunately, horror doesn't use this nearly as much as comedy. And people assume horror lovers are the messed up ones. Go figure!
Karina "ScreamQueen" Adelgaard
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